Google Home and Amazon Alexa beat Apple HomePod to the living room
According to survey results from Business Insider Intelligence, Apple’s HomePod was hotly anticipated but not hot off the starting line. We ourselves dumbfounded once again with Apple’s late response to a consumer electronics boom. The difference between iPad and the Apple Newton was evident, and though Apple may be late to the party, this time […]
Record your iPhone screen
Did you know you can record a video of everything you do on your iPhone’s screen? You do now. If you have friends or relatives who just picture how to resolve an issue they may be facing, this may be just the solution you’re looking for, as illustrated by The Sun. You’ll have to run […]
Cell phone charging sporadically? Here’s a potential quick fix
Many of us have found at one point in our cell phone’s life an inability to sustain a charge. At times, you may plug in your charging cable and find that it is disconnecting every few seconds, reconnecting, and you can’t figure out why. The answer may be simpler than you think, and require only […]
77 per cent of Canadians to Christmas shop at
More than three quarters of Canadians say they will be doing at least some of their Christmas shopping on this year, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC). The London, UK-based multinational professional services network surveyed more than 1,000 Canadian consumers as the 2017 holiday season approaches and found that, though half anticipate rising prices […]
Google, Apple Maps apps remembers so you don’t have to
It happens to the best of us. Few things are more embarrassing or frustrating than losing your own car. With so many cars looking similar, and the lines comprising parking spaces looking identical, it’s no wonder it is so easy to lose our cars. Luckily, Google Maps has us covered. We are still testing this […]
illFixit Wireless Website Revamp
We are thrilled to announce the much anticipated launch, after months in the making, of our new website here at For the past two years, we have shared our expert insight through articles shoehorned into our Facebook on current events in the ever growing world of technological innovation in the mobile technology industry. Today, […]